Same Day / Next Day - Local Florist Delivery - 01963 251023

Henstridge Florist - Flower Delivery BA8


Henstridge Flower Delivery BA8 0

Order flowers online from Lavender and Grey, in Milborne Port, Sherborne  we work from home in our riverside studio.  Delivering throughout North Dorset,  South Somerset, hand making and delivering our own stunning bouquets and arrangements 6 days a week,  always delivered by our vehicles. Same day flower delivery in Henstridge, Somerset, BA8 0 - please order by 11am. Monday to Saturday.

If you prefer a more personal touch when placing your order or have any questions we are more than happy to take your order over the telephone 01963 251741.  Sending  local flowers to BA8 0. We restrict our use of single use plastics whenever possible. Wrapping in brown paper and using bio-degradable bags and cellophane.

Below a few examples please see our full range in Bouquets for Delivery.

3 results
ALWESTON - Bouquet
From £49.95
ANSTY - Bouquet
From £55.95
BERE - Bouquet
From £49.95